We are Christine and Leslie Wilson, and are excited to open our garden again from May to September 2023 . This is our second year back since we were last on the west cork garden trail from 2000 to 2012 . We look forward to meeting friends old and new.
We moved here from the West Midlands in England . Les is a blues guitarist & singer . Christine was a primary school teacher . We are 44 years married , and have been in Ireland for 32 years.
Admission is free.
We only ask that you make a donation elsewhere to a charity of your choice.
To arrange a visit, please call 085-169-6474 or 023-8855307, or email houserocker@live.com to make an appointment. More details on how to find us are on the 'Find Us' tab at the top of the page.
There is parking for coaches . We can offer tea , coffee and cakes for small numbers only .
Toilets are available.
The garden is one acre in size. We bought the old ‘cottage and acre‘ back in 1990 . It was originally a grass field with no garden. About a third is now a woodland garden with mostly deciduous trees, providing the perfect place for snowdrops, daffodils, wood anemones, bluebells and other shade plants.
There is a large pond with goldfish , a waterfall and bog garden. The surrounding bank is planted with willows, beneath which are various junipers and evergreen conifers. Near the house is a spring bed, with camellia, rhododendrons, magnolia, and azaleas. This adjoins long twin shrub borders, edged with colourful rockery plants. Behind these is a formal box parterre filled with pots of herbs.
A long pergola divides the garden , and is planted with a variety of climbers .
There are two polytunnels, one for vegetables. There are also outdoor veg beds a fruit cage and strawberry patch. We have two main flower borders containing colourful perennials, many of which we have grown from seed. A new addition to the flowers last year is a wild flower bed which was a great success. Hidden in a far corner is our secret walled garden.
We have a no-dig, no- bend, no-weed growing system for most of our veg that you might find interesting.
There are stunning views to the west of Shehy mountain and Nowen hill.